Thursday 11 November 2010

Some news of the not so good variety...

So it turns out that the cough I've had for the past few months isn't a persistent chest infection. Surprise, it's cancer! Nodular Scleorosing Hodgkin's Lymphoma to be medically precise. My GP was on the ball, after various attempts at controlling my cough with antiobiotics failed, it was straight to the hospital for an x-ray which picked up the swollen lymph nodes in my chest. It took about a month from that point and a battery of blood tests, lung function measurements, a CT scan, further chest x-rays and a needle biopsy on my neck to be sure. I had a look at some swollen nodes with the ultrasound technicians and as far as I can tell they look like the stuff in the bottom of bubble tea.

So that's it. Last week I was a guy with an annoying cough, now I am cancer patient. I thought I'd put together this blog for my friends so that they can keep track of my treatment and stuff. And also because I am too lazy to write you all individually. If you're not my friend you can also read this too, but let's be honest, you probably should find better ways to spend your time.

1 comment:

  1. Bubble tea forever ruined!
    Hi Mike, going to read your whole blog today and procrastinate.
    Hope you're doing alright.......
