Wednesday 5 January 2011

Chemotherapy Round 4

I had round 4 of chemo yesterday. Not much to report, still feeling okay and I had a look at my blood test results. Both red and white blood cell counts remain normal, which is nice to know, since low red blood cell counts can lead to anemia, and low white counts can lead to nasty infections and fever. I just noticed that my nose hair has fallen out. Like all of it. I don't know where it went. Did I inhale it? No, it probably fell out in the middle of the night, like rats abandoning a sinking ship. That's okay, I was never really sure what nose hair was for and I don't miss it.

This marks the end of cycle 2 of my ABVD treatments. In 13 days I'm due for a PET scan, which lets me know how 'chemosensitive' my cancer is. If it comes back with no sign of the Hodge, it's a very good thing. There is a strong correlation between successful mid treatment PET scans and overall survival/freedom from treatment failure rates. If it comes back blobby, I get kicked up to another chemo regime called BEACOPP. It's like chemo on steroids. No wait, I'm already on steroids so I need another analogy. BEACOPP is like chemo engineered by Germans (which is true). Ruthless and efficient, like a Mercedes Sedan or Angela Merkel.


  1. Hey hodgepodge, thanks for the hilarious attitude. You made me laugh so hard my newly implanted chemo port is now throbbing in pain. I have your cancer's cousin (twice removed or something). I was originally gonna do AVBD but am now doing R-CHOP. CHOP! CHOP! Anyway, thanks again for the laughs. I have bookmarked your blog and expect many more... no pressure. -Stephen from Oklahoma

  2. Hey,

    Great blog. I had almost exactly the same thing you have this time last year. 2A Hodgkin's, persistent cough etc. Completed 6 months ABVD. Interim and end of treatment PETS were, thankfully, negative. Hang in there. ABVD is a bitch. If you're having lots of nausea ask your Onc about Emend (aprepitant). It helped me A LOT.

    Good Luck!
